
Showing posts from August, 2021


    Carbon Dioxide. What is carbon dioxide? Carbon is a chemical element like hydrogen-oxygen it can be a liquid, gas, and solid. Earth is made out of 118 elements, carbon is one of them. Co2 (carbon) is used to make coral and shellfish then gets turned into limestone. Carbon can be found in millions of different forms e.g coal, oil, and diamond co2.     

getting stuck

                                        Getting stuck On Sunday I went to my cousin's house. Her name is Maleehah. It was her 16th birthday and we played lots of games like hidenseek.  My 7-year-old cousin was looking. Her name is Laiba, there were 4 people to find. I hided upstairs in Maleehahs room under her bed. Laiba came upstairs and she went into Maleehah mum and dads room, then she came to Maleehah’s room and looked under her bed then she saw me. “ I found you.” “Aww man” I said. “Wait, I can't get out.” “ want me to get Maleehah.” “But you don't know where she is” “I will find her” “Ok” “maleehah!!!”  “Yes” “Aaira is stuck under your bed”  “Bruh I told her not to go under my bed” “Just come on” “Ok fine” “AAIRA” “what” “I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO UNDER MY BED!!” “I know, but I did not know where to hide and Laiba was coming so I just went under your bed” “Ugh ok let me go...